Talking To The Ancestors 2
Yidumduma departing the same art site after visiting in 2005, saying farewell to the Ancestors, singing and thanking them. This is a shared site along the Victoria River between the Ngaliwurru and Wardaman. Yidumduma sings a Warrangin boundary song for the two tribes.
boyjorn boyjorn wunowninjarra.......travelling and singing and walking faster.
juwi..... goodbye
Return to Talking to the Ancestors 2
Two old men, I am going to leave you now.
I only came down to visit you two.
I am over here now.
I hope that your belly will be happy. (you are feeling good)
I am going back home now.
I am going to sing for you.
boyjorn boyjorn wunowninjarra travelling and singing and walking faster.
juwi goodbye
You can go now
burrgburrg foot stomping, making tracks.
juwi goodbye
I’m leaving you now.
I am going back home.